Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Busy Bee Pharmacy is an approved vaccination provider for the COVID-19 vaccines.
COVID-19 vaccines help to protect our community against Coronavirus by preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19. Vaccinations are voluntary and free to all Australian citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers and temporary visa-holders.
Busy Bee Pharmacy is committed in supporting the Australian Government in providing COVID-19 immunisation for our local area and wider community. Please note, as most of the population has completed their primary course we are now only offering COVID-19 boosters.
Booking your COVID-19 vaccination appointment
When it is your turn to get vaccinated, you can book HERE, call us on 08 9328 7885 or simply drop into our Northbridge store and talk to one of our friendly staff.
Please note important information regarding timing intervals between vaccines:
There is no minimum interval between the Flu vaccine and any COVID-19 vaccine, which means you can have both vaccines at the same time.
All adults can get a booster if it has been 6 months or longer since their last COVID-19 booster or confirmed infection (whichever is most recent).
Getting ready for your appointment
If you cannot attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so we can allocate your time slot to another person and re-book your appointment. This helps to keep vaccine wastage at a minimum.
Please do not come to your vaccination appointment:
if you are feeling unwell with fever, cough, runny nose or other symptoms that could be from COVID-19
if you are waiting for COVID-19 test results or have tested positive for COVID-19
if you are in quarantine.
Your safety is our priority.
For public safety due to COVID-19, please follow the guidance of our Pharmacy team regarding when attending your appointment to ensure we provide you with the personalised care and support you need.
After Your Vaccination
After receiving any vaccine, you may experience minor side effects. Most side effects are mild and usually last no more than a few days.
Common reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations include:
a sore arm
tiredness and fatigue
low level fever
muscle pain, or
joint pain.
Some people will have more significant flu-like symptoms from this vaccination compared to other vaccines and may require time away from normal activities. These symptoms are more common after the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine compared with the second dose. Contrary, the severity of side effects seems to increase with the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as compared to the first dose.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are the COVID-19 Vaccines safe?
Australia has some of the toughest safety standards in the world. All vaccines approved for use in Australia undergo robust scientific testing and analysis by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to ensure they are effective and safe. For answers to all your COVID-19 vaccine questions please visit the Australian Government Department of Health resources.
2. Is the COVID-19 booster compulsory?
While the Australian Government supports and promotes immunisation, it is not mandatory, and individuals can choose whether to get vaccinated.
3. How effective is the vaccine?
The results from the clinical trials to date have shown all vaccines to be up to extremely effective in providing protection against COVID-19. Studies have also been consistent in finding greater than 80% reductions in rates of infection and hospitalisation, with substantial reduction in deaths.
4. Is one type of COVID-19 vaccine more effective than another?
Busy Bee Pharmacy uses both Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 boosters (both BA.4/BA.5). There appears te be no significant difference in efficacy and safety between those two vaccines.
5. How much will the COVID-19 vaccine cost?
The Australian government has committed to providing the COVID-19 vaccine for free to all Australian citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers and temporary or bridging visa-holders.
Please remember to bring your Medicare card to your appointment at the pharmacy or we may not be able to administer your vaccine. If you don’t have a Medicare card, or are not eligible for Medicare, you can get your free vaccination at any Commonwealth Vaccination clinic or State/Territory Vaccination clinic.
6. Do people who have had COVID-19 and recovered need to get vaccinated?
People who have had COVID-19 and recovered should still be vaccinated. Experts don’t yet know how long any natural immunity might last and it is therefore recommended that even if you had COVID-19 earlier, you should still get the COVID-19 vaccine when you can. The required minimum period between your last COVID-19 infection and the booster dose is 6 months.
7. Why do I need to wait 15 minutes after my vaccination?
This is a requirement for any vaccination administered in Australia. Health professionals who deliver vaccinations are trained in first aid and CPR and know how to respond to an anaphylactic reaction. In the unlikely event of a severe reaction, the Pharmacist and other pharmacy team members will act immediately to provide emergency assistance.
If a serious reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine occurs, it will usually occur within 15 minutes of being vaccinated. It is important for you to wait in the pharmacy for 15 minutes after being vaccinated so you can be observed for any serious reactions.
8. Can I have the COVID-19 vaccine if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the recommended vaccine for pregnant women at any stage of their pregnancy. Pregnant women have a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and their babies also have a higher risk of being born prematurely. Real world evidence has shown that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for pregnancy and breastfeeding therefore women who are trying to become pregnant do not need to delay vaccination or avoid becoming pregnant after vaccination.